A message from The Traditional:

Hey guys. We really felt that we needed to try and do something to help the people who were affected by the recent hurricanes. People are still in need of help, and it's going to take a lot of time and resources to rebuild communities. Through touring, we have made a ton of friends throughout the years, some of whom live in Houston and Florida. Some of our family members have also relocated to these areas in recent years. We are releasing a B-side from 'The Queen of Heaven' called "220" and we are donating the proceeds to help all of the victims of these storms. Cody at Anchor Eighty Four and the four of us are really excited for you to hear this song and we are VERY excited to be able to do something to help. "220" is available for $1 or "Pay more if you want" on Bandcamp. Thank you all for your support. You guys are the best!